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Amazon A+ designs that capture, engage and inform potential buyers.

Activities and Interests

Always try to have fun with typography! Here, I drew inspiration from the book cover art, and the copy team's punny headline. These little creative changes will leave a big mark in the memory of a buyer.

A+ designs are broken down into (maximum) 5 modules. These modules are separated by edge breaks, Amazon optimizes there back end for responsive design. Working on separate art boards can make cohesiveness a challenge, but there are always work arounds. Check out how white space and running images across modules creates an optical illusion with implied lines.

Starting and ending with the same confident orange color give a definite and trusting energy.

Cook Books

Focusing on delicious photography while representing each book's unique style and personality. Sometimes, cookbooks can "sell themselves" with amazing images, though often require advanced photo-shopping skills. Such as color editing, background removal, and compositing images.

I found the trickiest cookbooks had little to no imagery, in these instances we had to balance not misleading potential buyers with additional imagery and creating something visually appealing.

A major goal of A+ designs are to accurately represent the book by using interior page assets in these ads and even creating new assets in the same style.

Kids, Teens, and Young Adults

Using bubbly and fun typography inspired by the the book paired with illustrative art assets makes kid stories jump off the page!

A+'s are a scroll format, when selecting products to browse- they are the first things shoppers see on mobile devices, so applying W3 guidelines for responsive design is a must.

Sometimes books have companions, just like this one. Hierarchy of design is important when placing companion books next to one another, as the goal is to inform- not to confuse the potential buyer about another title.

Personal Growth and Development

Maybe by now, you noticed that the anatomy of A+ designs are broken down starting from the headline, onto benefits and finishes with a strong call to action.

Working hands-on with the inhouse copy team gave the design challenge to create a visual world in which the copy belonged. These designs demonstrate that when great copy becomes part of a composition, not just an addition, magic happens!

Pulling out eye catching activates from off a spread and stitching them together to fit these new dimensions can better demo the book.

Box Sets

Box sets present the age old design issue of fitting way more copy and imagery in the same tight artboard dimensions.

These went through more rounds of revisions than normal, as the team and I hoped to experiment with story-telling across multiple books within the set. A tall list of design elements, assets, and principles to marry together made for an amazing collaborative effort and creative risk taking.

This A+ untraditionally places book covers into scenes pulled from the book. Both symbolic and copy supportive, these little scenes paint a big picture to our potential buyer.

Card Decks

Card decks were the newest addition at Callisto to hit the market, the design team new we had some time to create fresh templates.

This positive thinking card set had so many fun and colorful patterns to use. In efforts to let the marketing copy and product shine- I took a minimalistic approach, mirroring the back side card design. The yellow bars on either side of the A+ urges the viewers eye to scroll downwards, finishing with a strong call to action.

PDP thumbnails were also experimented with for this card set launch, taking a marketing design centered approach- a modern, user centered, jump from the traditional page spreads displayed on Amazon.

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